Post #5: Dog Heaven and Squirrel Hell

So there's this image on reddit: And this actually makes perfect sense. Dog heaven would be squirrel hell. And since there isn't a an official canon story on where animal souls go after they die, this got me thinking about the faunal afterlife. Where do animals go after they die? Here's what I think: 1. Dog heaven = squirrel hell = middle class white suburban homeowner heaven = cat people hell 2. Cat heaven = mouse hell = bird hell = dog people hell 3. Coyote heaven = dog hell = illegal Mexican immigrants purgatory 4. Koala heaven = koala hell 5. Fish heaven = landlubber hell = drowned victims hell In fact, once we bring plants into this, because plants obviously have feelings, we get an even more complicated web: 1. Plant hell = vegan heaven = carnivore hell 2. Plant heaven = vegan hell = carnivore heaven (the carnivores will eat all of the herbivores in plant heaven, so both the carnivores and herbivores will be happy) In conclusion: we should all eat mo...