Post #4: The Double Standard of Koalas

Shown above: cute, adorkable koala clinging to a tree Koalas are cute, right? They're fuzzy little adorkable creatures--just look at that adorkable face in the picture above! Plus, they're Australian, and anything Australian is exotic and cool. But people love the adorkable side of koalas and hate the other side of koalas--the unseen, darker side. For instance, koalas sleep over 20 hours a day. That's because they eat eucalyptus leaves, which provides them with basically no energy; these leaves may also be toxic to their systems, and they need that much sleep to recuperate. Koalas also may eat their own shit. They're like cuter versions of sloths. And people hate that. They only want to see the fuzzy, cute side of koalas. "Stop eating your own shit and be adorkable!" the tourists might say. In essence, koalas are part of an implicit circus, harassed by the ringmasters known as tourists. This double standard of koalas deserves to be heard. Koalas d...